Eyyy it’s the same thing Fuckster was doing at the beginning of the scene – scouting as Ryybyn’s eyes in the sky! A little callback to “Flying”, Fuckster has grown ever more loveable but is as graceless as ever.
Ryybyn kneels on the ground, still shaken while Flynn and Alison reassure them. The latter two converse telepathically.
Flynn, “Don’t suppose ya’lls got one of them spy spells.”
Alison, “Ryybyn, can you send Fuckster to search?”
Ryybyn summons Fuckster, who transitions from a tattoo coiled around their leg to a fully fledged flying snake.
Fuckster takes to the air in ungainly flight. Ryybyn has their eyes closed and see what Fuckster sees above the town. The streets are empty aside from unattended horses and carriages.
Ryybyn spots what they need and take off running! The others follow.
Ryybyn stops at an intersection, spotting Shaimaa and Alton waiting under an archway. Flynn is right behind Ryybyn, tail swishing and ready to pounce.