Bless games like BG3 for justifying characters pulling items, no matter how large, out of their own and other’s asses with “magic pockets.”
Alison dejectedly closes her book and adds it to a stack. “If Ryybyn can’t recall the name of the sword, searching for its likeness in reference books is our best bet. I reached out to Ernesto for aid, too, but there’s simple so many items out there.”
Flynn says, “HOO-EE! After this how are we going to rustle up a Twinbyn?”
Alison procures a crystal ball. “That will be easy with Scrying!”
Alison casts the Scrying spell while looking into the crystal, “I only caught a glimpse of her, but I’m certain I can fill in gaps based on Ryybyn’s appearance! With that image the magic will show her to me…”
The scene fades to the garage, where Ryybyn and Todd are in the middle of a seemingly awkward or tense conversation. Todd’s motorcycle is between them. Ryybyn speaks, “I know she means well, she’s my friend but… I don’t know if she gets it.”
Todd replies, “Most folk don’t. Think it’s kinder because they don’t see the hurt.”