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Break It 21

Webcomic CollectionsAbsolvedWebcomic StorylinesSaga 9: Crawl BackWebcomic CollectionsFlynn Fairbanks, Liutbald "Lutz" LiebkindBreak It 21 published on

And we’re back! With a little reminder that this is still a D&D inspired comic even if it’s not based on a campaign anymore. This scene was very much planned as an actual combat encounter where Kolya uses a hoard of low-level goons to tip the action economy in his favour. Yeah sure, a level 14 adventurer is likely to make a DC 14 save, but can they make that save three times? Five times? Ten? Good times.

The crowd also would have let Kolya escape – every token being identical, you can’t immediately tell who is enchanted, who isn’t, and who is Kolya – but the bastard just had to show his big dumb face and get hit with Mind Spike.


Panels are inset against a background of a virtual tabletop where the main party are spread out amongst a sea of identical masked Ryybyn-alike tokens and spell effects.

Lutz, in the lead, slides across a patch of Grease while knocking a masked person to the ground.

Flynn ducks a punch from one masked person whose fist lands in another masked face instead.
Flynn, telepathically, “You able to tell which a-hole is which?”

Flynn catches up to Lutz
Lutz, “I cast a tracking spell – Kotnyr is moving west out of the commons.”

Flynn scales the vertical side of a building.
Flynn, “Time for a shortcut, alley-oop!”

The hairs on Flynn’s neck stand on end as he gets a Precognitive Hunch.

Flynn reaches the roof of the building and leaps to the air to avoid a spray of bullets! His tail goes big and bushy.

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